The Village would like to welcome all skaters and BMX riders to our new facility which is located next to the Concession building in the Sports Grounds. We would like to remind all park users that you are required to wear protective equipment at all times while on the park especially helmets. It is very important that you use the park in a safe and respectable manner. If you notice or see any damages or vandalism please contact the Village Office immediately so we can make sure it is a safe environment for all our guest. We encourage everyone to check it out, enjoy and over all have FUN!
Village of Ryley Ph: 780-663-3653
Established in 1962 the Ryley Lions club is a group of community-minded volunteers that serve the needs of the Ryley community. Our efforts are directed towards improving and assisting the facilities of the Village as well as supporting other organizations within the community.
Our two major annual fund raisers are the Mother’s Day Brunch and the Community Birthday Calendar. The first Brunch was held in 1999 and this function has become a very important social and fundraising event for Ryley and district. This year the majority of the proceeds were forwarded to the Lions of Alberta Foundation which has amassed a fund of over $300 000 to assist the victims of the Fort McMurray fire victims. These funds have come from Lions clubs across Canada so it shows Lions commitment to our motto; We Serve.
The Birthday calendar now in its 37th year, is a fun birthday reminder as well as providing advertisers with an inexpensive way to promote their business in over 200 locations on a daily basis.
The Ryley Lions club has long been involved with the planning, construction and support of the Community Centre. In the early eighties our club held weekly bingos to raise funds for a new hall. Since our initial donation of $50 000 we have donated over two hundred thousand dollars to the Centre for operations and improvements.
Support of other organizations is also very important to us. The Beaver Heritage and Society and the Curling Club have been the recipients of substantial donations to assist in their operations and improvements. The climbing wall at the pool and our recent donation of $4500 to the pool are examples of this. We also plan to purchase the six monitors required for the on ice cameras at the Curling rink. Gaming funds from Casino are a large part of our resources but since they only come along every three or four years, careful planning is required to make the best use of these funds.
The youth of our School and community are also very important to us. Each year the Grads receive a parting gift from our club; high school students who apply for our Legacy Scholarship receive assistance for their post secondary schooling; students assist us with our Mother’s Day Brunch; grade one students at Holden School receive a Project Pride Canadian flag; sports teams and dance groups have received financial support.
Future projects include the construction of a Centennial Flag Display near the Lions Gazebo to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Lions in 2017. We also hope to partner with the Village once again to add more playground equipment to the Sports Grounds Playground.
Vision projects have long been the focus of Lions Clubs worldwide. These programs are primarily associated with eye disease prevention, vision corrective programs and Dog guide programs. Our Lions club has long been a supporter of the Lions Foundation of Canada Dogguide School in Oakville, ON., the Lions Eye Bank and our club has collected thousands of pairs of used eyeglasses for recycling and distribution in developing countries.
It is unfortunate that the Lions Club is viewed as a Seniors club when in reality anyone man or woman over 18 is eligible to become a member. We encourage to find out more about our club and consider becoming part of the largest service organization in the world.
Meeting are held every 2nd and 4th Thursday from September to June.
Contact Andre Nimchuk at (780)663-2444 for more information or at email:
Bethel Lutheran Church
5004-52 Avenue, Box 164, Ryley, Alberta, T0B 4A0
Pastor: Ferdinand (Fred) Tober
Pastor Tober’s telephone number is 780 466-2382
Worship services: 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month with communion on the 1st Sunday of each month. The Pastor takes holidays the month of July, so there are no worship services during that time.
Annual events include quilting and Mothers’ Day strawberry tea.
Church council meets quarterly with additional meetings as required during the year. For more information call chairperson, Marilyn Bruha, at 780-662-2061.
Everyone is welcome to attend Worship Services.
Bethel Lutheran Church celebrated their 100th anniversary of the inauguration of the congregation in 2008.
Good News Community Church
5318-51 Street, Ryley, Alberta, T0B 4A0
Pastor: Mark Bueckert
Telephone number 780-663-3664
Sunday Service-11:00.
Sunday School (all ages)-9:30
Awana Kids Club (K-6)-Thursday 6:30 p.m.
Youth Group (Gr. 7-12)-Friday 7 p.m.
Awana (Starting first Thursday in October)
What is Awana? Awana is a bible based children’s program. At Awana children will enjoy a safe and fun environment where they will enjoy a game’s time, story time and singing each week.
When is Awana? Awana is each Thursday evening at the Good News Church from 6:30 to 8:00pm.
Who can go to Awana? Awana is for children from kindergarden to grade 6.
Youth Group
What happens at Youth Group? At Youth Group teens will enjoy a wide range of activities from Soccer Rugby, capture the flag, and other outside games to movie night and youth concerts. Each night at Youth there is a time of singing and a devotional time where the teens will hear about God from the bible and we also make time for small group discussions about the joys and struggles facing teens and how God is there for us.
When is Youth? Youth Group is each Friday evening at the Good News Church from 7:00 to 10:00pm.
Who can come to Youth? Students, grade 7 to 12 are welcome!
If you need more information on Awana or Youth Group please call Pastor Mark at (780)663-3664.
Our Mission: The purpose of the Good News Community Church is to encourage and equip believers in their walk with God, to provide avenues by watch people will be the Lord Jesus Christ, and to be a community of believers which displays the joy and presence of the Lord in every circumstance!
Good News Community Church is an evangelical Christian church affiliated with Village Missions of Canada.
The Ryley Seventh-day Adventist Church
Located on the corner of 49th street and 55th avenue.
If we can be of service, please feel free to contact us at (780)663-2299 or (780)889-3776. Your also invited to join us at the church every Wednesday at 7:30pm for Bible study as well as Saturday morning at 9:50am for Bible Study and at 11:15am for the Worship Service.
Total Life Christian Centre – Interdenominational
5712-56 St.
Pastor: Doug Dodds 780-663-3636
Contact: 780-663-3998 Church
Sunday Moring Service 10 am and Sunday Evening Service 6 pm. Advertise for any special services.
In 1982, the Beaverhill Rural Crime Watch Association was incorporated to organize residents in western Beaver County, as Eyes & Ears supporting the RCMP. The Association mandate was to promote the concepts and principles of rural crime awareness and prevention in the area.
In 2009, Beaver County officials and the Association say the need for crime awareness throughout the region. As a result, Beaver County became a supporter for the Association principles for both rural areas and municipalities.
Both rural areas as well as villages and towns would be represented on the board from the towns and villages in Beaver County effectively bridging ‘urban’ and ‘rural’ needs – because Crime Knows No Boundaries.
The basic elements of Rural Crime Watch: education through schools and events, prevention through signage and reporting and Citizens on Patrol (CoP)
Beaverhill Crime Watch was instrumental in supporting the organization of new and existing CoP programs in the Spilstead, Lindbrook, Tofield, Ryley and Holden communities.
This effort is equally beneficial to residents and businesses in farm, acreage, village and town areas – by the Tofield Detachment.
The Role of the Beaverhill Rural Crime Watch
The Association is a registered non-profit society with bylaw provisions for an elected executive. Regular interim and annual general meetings are held throughout the area. The Association promotes awareness and prevention of crime, making whatever presentations are necessary and interested Organizations.
Support is solicited from corporations and service companies as well as the public operation in Beaver County and RCMP Tofield Detachment areas. Beaverhill RCW was one of the first member organizations formed in the Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Association (APRCWA) and is still an active member.
The Fan-Out System
Internet-based systems allows communications with members in specific areas or the entire Region. Currently, members have the choice of receiving messages via fax, text or email delivery. Messages can also be found on the Association website at:
Membership is open to all residents and business principals residing or operating in the RCMP Tofield Detachment areas (including the Town of Tofield and Villages of Ryley and Holden). This also includes adjacent areas. All applicants are subject to approval by the Board with verification by a minimum of 2 members.
Membership Registration – $10.00
(Member card-photo option and decals + information and brochures)
Annual Fan-Out Fee – $10.00
For more information please email:
The Ryley Fire Department handles a variety of calls such as; structure fires, motor vehicle collisions, wildfires, medical assists, dangerous goods, and many other miscellaneous calls. Ryley Fire Department is a volunteer department, and we are seeking new members who would like to make a difference in their community. The only qualifications you need is enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. All members have CPR/First Aid, and receive weekly training. We presently have 5 fire uniits; 1 pumper, 1 tanker, 2 grass units, and 1 utility pickup. If are interested in getting more information about the fire department, or in becoming a member, come down to the fire hall any Monday night between 7:00 and 9:00 pm. You can also call Fire Chief Terry Magneson at the fire hall, at 663-3606, please leave a message, or contact any other department member. Come get in on the excitement!
The Ryley Branch was established in 1946 by a large group of WWI and WWII veterans from Ryley and area. As membership rules changed over the years, women who had served in the forces, spouses, children, and grandchildren of veterans were recruited as members. Today, any Canadian citizen at least 18 years of age may become a Legion member.
The Ryley Legion has seen a decline in membership over the last twenty years of so. Currently, there are about 40 members, with roughly 12 local members taking an active part in meetings and other events.
The branch has reduced the number of functions held annually, although Remembrance Day, Decoration Day and Summer Bust Out continue to be significant occasions with public participation. Members also participate in the Ryley School Remembrance service each year.
Community support is one of the priorities of the branch. The Halloween free hot-dog supper and treats for local children has been well attended every year. This event will be taking place again this year.
Each year, the branch presents one (and occasionally more than one) $500.00 bursary to a local student attending a post-secondary institution. A transportation grant is given to the Nootka Cadet Core every year. The branch was also able to donate $500.00 to the Red Cross Fort McMurray fund this year.
As members age, volunteer participation in local events has declined. To counter this, the branch offers the use of the hall to various local organizations free of charge for meetings and other functions. Over the course of a year, the savings to volunteer organizations totals around one thousand to fifteen hundred dollars.
The branch relies heavily on regular hall rentals as well as casino moneys to remain operational. Upgrades to the roof and siding, and replacement of the furnaces were all made possible through generous grants by Conoco- Phillips, the AB Government, and the Clean Harbors Community Relations Fund. As well, bathrooms have been refitted with higher toilets, and several chairs with arms have been purchased.
Legions unfortunately are often viewed as watering holes for sad old veterans reliving the horrors of the wars. Here, and in most Legions around Canada, this is nothing but an urban legend.
With new, and hopefully younger, members, the Ryley Branch could once again be a meeting place for games nights, kids’ parties, and almost any kind of function that could be dreamed up.
Come out to a meeting, or join us at the Remembrance Day service, ask some questions, pick up a membership application, and become an active member of a great organization.
Meetings are held at 7:30 on the first Tuesday of each month from September through June.
For more information or to rent the Legion Hall, please contact Annette Short at 780-663-3565 or any other local member.
5211-52 Avenue
Box 26, Ryley, Alberta T0B 4A0
Phone: (780) 663-3682
Fax: (780) 663-3804
Our school is located 75 km east of Edmonton on Highway 14, in the village of Ryley.
Approximately 150 students attend our school in grades K-9.
We are proud of our strong school-community relations and appreciate the support we receive each & every year. It is this partnership, which allows us to be a truly professional learning community.
Students are able to participate in a vast array of extra & co-curricular activities. Our caring & competent staff believes that every student can be successful with the proper encouragement and adequate support systems.
Ryley is an Asset Building School and also uses Effective Behavior Supports in order to create an atmosphere where students not only feel safe but also is conducive to academic achievement.
It is our mission to recognize the unique value of each person to lead and to learn to provide a safe environment in which to grow and to promote a partnership between the school, home and community.
History of Ryley School
In January 1938, the rural and most of the town school districts of the Municipality combined under one secretary and one school board to form the Holden School Division. The Ryley School Board, under the chairmanship of Dr. J.L. McPherson, elected to remain independent.
In 1944, the Ryley School Board decided to construct a new stucco building, west of the old fourroom school. There were two large rooms on the main floor, with room for one classroom in the basement. This building was the Home Economics Department (CTS) until the spring of 2014.
The Ryley School Board elected to join the Holden School Division in 1950. Since the rural schools around Ryley were gradually being phased out and the children were to be bussed into Ryley, it was necessary to build. In February 1955, a new six-room school was built – this being the south wing of our present school. Also, to accommodate the influx of students from rural schools, several rural schools were moved in.
In 1957, a gymnasium and six-room east wing was added at the north end of the existing school.
In January 1958, the County of Beaver #9 was formed and they decided, in 1961, to demolish the old four-room school and build the present CTS Building. Due to the increase in school population, it was necessary, in 1962, to build four more rooms on the east wing of the school.
In 1971, the present library and office area, consisting of offices for the principal, vice-principal, school counsellor, a reading resource room and a general office were added to the existing building.
In 1984, faced with the problem of maintaining quality programming during a period when enrolments were declining, the Board of Education initiated major program reorganization at Ryley and Holden, resulting in Ryley School offering programs at the K-6 and 10-12 grade levels.
During the 1994-95 school year, extensive renovations were undertaken with a complete facelift given to both the outside and inside of Ryley School. In January of 1995 the four high school relocatables were completed and by August 1995 the remaining renovations were completed.
1999 marked the beginning of the Ryley Jr /Sr High School serving students in grades 7-12 in the Ryley and Holden communities.
In 2014 we changed to mobile computing labs (laptops) and as such our existing computer lab was transformed into a state of the art Home-Economics facility. The exterior of Ryley School received a facelift in 2014 as well.
Ryley Pre-school
Ryley Good News Community Church basement 5111-54th Avenue
Box 8, Ryley, AB, T0B 4A0
Phone: (780) 663-3664
Information: Larissa (780)878-1751 or Email:
Preschool age Program for 3 to 5 year olds. Our Philosophy: At Ryley Community Preschool, we provide a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment for ALL children. We allow the children to express themselves through language, creativity and physical activity, by providing an environment that is challenging, and fun. Our Staff: Our teachers are dedicated and energetic. They set the stage for lifelong learning and encourage the development of positive social skills that children will master as they grow. Out staff are fully qualified early childhood educators. They participate in on-going professional development activities and workshops to stay current with educational trends and to adapt to the changing needs of modern children and families.
Our Vision: Open door policy, developmentally appropriate curriculum and partnership with parents.
Parent Involvement: Parents are expected to volunteer once a month. Parents time in the program is to initiate interactions with all children via shared reading, storytelling, hands on activities, assist in helping children get the most out of circle time, classroom chores etc.
Sample Day Routine: Creative Play; puzzles, blocks, play dough and reading. Circle Time; songs, and stories, plus lively discussions about the weather, calendar, theme of the week and basic early learning concepts. Snake Time; time to re-energize and socialize. Creative Play; painting, crafts and activities. Active Paly; climbing, ride-on toys and games.
Ryley FCSS
Box 230, 5005-50 Street, Ryley, Alberta T0B 4A0
Tues & Thurs 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Ryley has embarked on the journey to develop its own FCSS program. A program designed especially for our unique community. So, what exactly is FCSS and what does that mean for us?
Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is a unique 80/20 funding partnership between the Government of Alberta and participating municipalities or Métis Settlements. Provincially, the FCSS Program receives its mandate from the Family and Community Support Services Act and Regulation. The FCSS philosophy is based on a belief that when individuals, families and communities help themselves, it contributes to a sense of integrity, self-worth, and independence. Local municipalities design, deliver and provide referral to social programs that are preventive in nature to promote and enhance well-being among the residents in their community.
Programs developed are intended to help improve the quality of life and build strength and capacity to prevent and/or deal with difficult situations should they arise. One of the key principles of the FCSS Program is local responsibility for priority setting and resource allocation with a focus on preventative services.
The municipality of Ryley is developing a local FCSS program to address the unique needs of its residents and those in the surrounding area. The program will support the well-being and resiliency of the community providing information, education and programs that provide preventative services. By coordinating, networking, and partnering with local service agencies, businesses, community members, together with regional FCSS organizations and partners, Ryley FCSS will endeavor to help strengthen our community while providing tools and resources to address social needs.
But if you need us now, we are available (1.780.663.3653 or )
Looking ahead, some of the areas of focus will be:
- Preventative social programs, where people gain new skills and knowledge that will create a community that is resilient to crisis.
- Resilient communities work together to prevent social problems and provide opportunities for children, youth, families, adults and seniors to fully participate in the community.
- Strong partnerships that will bring people and agencies together, working in collaboration, to meet the needs of our communities.
- Volunteers make social programs and resilient communities possible by giving their time and expertise to others while developing strong relationships and learning new skills.
Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) provides programming that is mandated to deliver social programs that “…are preventive in nature and are provided at the earliest opportunity in order to promote and enhance well-being among individuals, families, and communities.” These programs depend on community resources and often involve volunteers working closely with staff members to support the delivery of programs. They work in partnership with other service providers in the local community and the surrounding region to try to prevent the need for intervention and rehabilitation services, by offering social supports that help to strengthen Albertans in their everyday lives. FCSS also provides links to other organizations that might provide further prevention-based opportunities to the public.
Terms of Reference for the Ryley FCSS Board
FCSS encourages and appreciates all our volunteers in every community. There are many proven health benefits of volunteering and being involved in one’s community. If you are interested in volunteering with Ryley FCSS, please contact us via phone or email. We will find out what kind of volunteering you would enjoy and contact you when opportunities arise!
For current Ryley volunteer opportunities, you may also contact:
Ryley Community Together Program at 780-663-3653,
Beaver County at 780-663-3730 or see their website at FCSS & Community Services: Beaver County, Alberta
Youth Programs
Check back with us soon for upcoming programs – details to be announced!
The Village of Ryley supports the Kids Help Phone and encourages any youth that just need to talk to someone to contact the Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868. You’re not alone. 24/7/365. We’re here to help you with anything. Free professional counselling. Anonymous and confidential. Non-judgmental. Available online or on the phone
Be sure to check out our website!
Victim Services
Beaver County Victim Services
Beaver County
Emergencies Services
Tofield Detachment (780) 662-3353
5515 49 St, Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
Emergencies: 9-1-1
Beaver Emergency Services Commission
4920 – 53 Avenue
Phone: (780)336-3041 Fax: (780)336-3047
Located in the basement of the Town of Viking OfficesBESC Office hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Closed during lunch 12:00-1:00 p.m.)
*closed Saturday, Sunday and all statutory holidays
Emergencies: 9-1-1
Beaver Emergency Medical Services
5543-44 St, Box 1200, Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
Ph (780)662-6352 Fax (780)662-6378
Emergencies: 9-1-1
Beaver Emergency Medical Services (Beaver EMS) provides ambulance services to the Town of Tofield and Town of Viking, and the Villages of Ryley and Holden, as well as all residents and visitors within Beaver County. The ambulances are based at the stations in Tofield and Viking and are dispatched through Alberta Health Services by calling 911. Beaver EMS provides Advanced Life Support response to all ambulance calls since all units are staffed by Advanced Care Paramedics and Primary Care Paramedics.
The Beaver EMS administration office is located at the ambulance station in Tofield, across the parking lot from Tofield Health Centre (5543-44 street). For any non-emergency inquiries, call (780)662-6352, or email, or if you have an emergency, call 911. For more information on Beaver EMS, go to
Gas, Power, Water & Telecommunications
Utilities Consumer Advocate
Visit to compare electricity and gas prices in your area, view historical rates, or get help resolving utility related issues.
Gas Provider
ATCO Gas 780-420-5585
Power Provider
Epcor Power 780-310-4300
Water Provider
Highway 14 Regional Water Services Commission 780-663-2019
Toll Free 1-866-333-3791
Power Lines
Fortis Alberta 310-WIRE (9473)
Telecommunications & Broadband
Telus 1-888-811-2323
Bell 1-866-301-1942
Rogers 1-866-210-4059
MCS Net 1-866-390-3928
CCI Wired 1-844-642-2224
Shaw 1-888-472-2222
VM Systems (780) 632-2859
Sanitary Sewer & Waste
Sanitary Sewer and Waste Collection are billed annually at the beginning of the year through the Ryley Municipal Office. For any inquiries on sanitary sewer or waste collections please contact us 780-663-3653.
Waste Facility
Claystone Waste Ltd
Office (780)663-2038
Landfill (780)663-3888
Box 322, Ryley, AB T0B 4A0
Office Location, 50117 Rge Rd 173 (north of Ryley, on Sec. Hwy. 854)