The next municipal election is Monday, October 18, 2021. Village of Ryley electors will elect 5 councillors.
Nomination period opens: Monday, January 4, 2021
Nomination period closes: Monday September 20, 2021, at 12 p.m.
Nominations for Councillors must be delivered in person, accompanied by a $100 nomination fee, and accepted/signed by the Municipal Retuning Officer no later than 12:00 p.m. noon on September 20, 2021 at the Ryley Municipal Office. No nominations can be accepted after that time so please submit your papers and payment as soon as you can to avoid this deadline. Prospective candidates filing their nominations must schedule an appointment with the Returning Officer. Further information on nomination requirements are available within the Candidates Nomination Information Package.
Candidates Package
Local Authorities Election Act
Candidates Guide: Running for Municipal Office in Alberta
Pecuniary Interest for Municipal Councillors
Form 4 Nomination Papers and Candidate’s Acceptance
Form 5 Candidates Information
Form 16 Statement of Scrutineer or Official Agent
Release of Candidate’s Information Form
Release of Official Agent Information Form
Due to COVID-19:
- Ministerial Order 103/20 modifies section 30(1) of the Local Authorities Election Act to allow for debit or credit card nomination deposits.
- Persons wanting to file nomination papers must make an appointment with the Returning Officer or designate by calling 780-663-3653.
Information for Candidates
The information within this section provides a brief introduction of the requirements for running for office in the Village of Ryley. Candidates are responsible for understanding all legislation concerning elections, including nomination, eligibility, campaigning restrictions, campaign finance and disclosure, election offences and prohibitions at voting stations.
More information can be found at
Voter Identification Requirements
In order to vote in the upcoming municipal elections, voters will be required to provide proof of their name and home address. The following types of verification meet the standard provincial requirement for one piece of identification.
See the Voter identification requirements for more information.