RhPAP has partnered with University of Calgary, Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Distributed Learning and Rural Initiatives, to offer a unique opportunity for rural high school students who have expressed an interest in going to medical school at some point in their future.
Let’s Go Rural – How Do I Get There? Medical School
Click link to register. https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/lets-go-rural-how-do-i-get-there-medical-school-registration-132105173129
February 9th, 2021 6:30pm to 8:30pm
A virtual conversation about individual experiences, personal journeys, and important information about the road to medical school with:
- Current UofC medical students who grew up in rural Alberta.
- A new physician practicing in rural Alberta (who grew up in rural Alberta).
- The Assistant Dean of MD Admissions at the Cumming School of Medicine.
- The Associate Dean of Distributed Learning and Rural Initiatives at the Cumming School of Medicine
** There will be a Q&A opportunity built into the session – so students should come prepared with any questions they may have.
This will be a free interactive Zoom session, targeted only to rural Alberta high school students. There are just 25 spots available, so we need to ensure that high school teachers identify the appropriate students to participate in this event – students who want to learn more about the pathway to medical school. There will also be an opportunity for 25 teachers to register as “spectators” so they can hear about the process(es), pathway and medical students’ stories.
The registration deadline is February 2nd, and is open now.
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email colleen.lindholm@rhpap.ca or info@rhpap.ca.